Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's December?!

I love nursing school. No actually I don't. I love the people I have met in class and love the thought of becoming a nurse. School stinks. Haha, and thats maybe the first time I have really ever said that because I truly love learning new things. Yeah, I think I just admitted to being a nerd. Oh well.

Today, I am one week away from temporary freedom and going home to Chicago (Chicago will just always be home). Thanksgiving break provided just enough re-energizing to hopefully get me through to the rest of finals. It was great to cook a Thanksgiving meal (thats almost 3 times now, thank you!). And I may still have a lot to learn in the cooking realm but it was fun anyways. We were able to hang out with family, which was one of the greatest blessings. It was quint and quiet...which I am definitely not used to. Holidays are always a hustle and bustle in our family. I was blessed to grow up with such a big loving family. And Errik and I were close to spending this Thanksgiving alone, which may sound super romantic but growing up with BIG holiday just wouldn't quite feel the same. It was wonderful and the Lord knew just what we needed.

Now, its December and my countdown until the end of finals and going home begins. But that's what I am afraid of right now. Countdowns. With going back to nursing school, my life is a schedule of deadlines and where I have to be and when. However, my hope this Christmas season is that I find time to stop and enjoy just being with friends and family that I cherish so much and to remember what Christmas is TRULY all about. Christ. I hope that as my calendar continues to fill up this month, that I will have time to just sit. Patiently. And enjoy where I am in life, right now... and not let life become all about deadlines and countdowns or maybe what's to come next in life.

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