Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 can be the best year of your life

I'm back home from IL and I loved spending time with family and probably most of all my new nieces (one nephew on the way). While home we had the chance to go to church and Pastor James talked about 2 Tim 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. It was great for me because I often struggle with certain types of fear. Usually the fear of what will happen if I really let God take the reins. Non the less God has given us power (over that which we can not control), love (to over come pain, hurt and disappointment), and self control (power over the self). Pretty cool to think about.

Anyway it was great to hear a challenging and convicting message. So when I think about what I want to be great this year it really boils down to a few key things. I want to be a man after God's own heart, I want to be a devoted husband, I want to be a disciple with my guys, I want to work each day as if for God and finally to be more healthy (thats a major self control one there). So it is January 4th and there are still 361 days to get these things done...

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