Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thoughts on Life

Most everyone is on Facebook these days. I don't spend a lot of time on Facebook outside of the quick check of the news feed. I don't put many status updates or photos and the like. But I was on it the other day and it was one of those rainy, dreary days when you just want to sit inside and watch a movie. Suddenly I found myself checking up on all kinds of people from the past. People I went to college with, people I went to high school with or people I just knew for a month or two while working at a camp.

What I found myself thinking is how different my life would be with even the slightest change in my decisions. What would have happend if I didn't go to that school, or work at that camp, or stayed in touch with this group of people. I suppose my mind goes places like that on rainy days. I have a feeling that God will have quite a story to share with me when I see him face to face. How many nudges he had to give me to end up where I am today. I am blessed in a hundred ways and yet sometimes I don't quite know how all the chips fell into place.

An old friend of mine said she loved introducing her friends to other circles of friends. I think heaven will be a lot like that. I am looking forward to hearing God share the story of how all the chips fall into place.

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