Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Well it looks like I'm averaging a post every two weeks or so. I suppose that isn't too bad although for as much time as I spend thinking about everything under the sun you would think I'd have more to say.

Anyhow, the start of 2012 has been rather stressful. I will never take for granted those times in life when life seems to move past you without a hitch. Renee and I have so very much to be thankful for and I think I need to remember that in the stressful moments. So far this year we will have or have had: 1 baby being born, 1 graduation, 1 changing job situation (Renee being done with school), problems with pet health (aspen is ok), and decisions in living arrangements and future child care arrangement.

There are at least two or three of the most stressfull events people go through in there and we are two months in.

I sure am glad we can trust in the Lord with all these things. We have always had difficulty trying to discern where and what God would have us do and sometimes it seems like He is saying, Don't worry about all that, right now you just have to trust me in the small things.

In other news, here are a few things we've been doing to keep ourselves sane: reading books, trying to exercise, hanging out with friends, talking with family, dabbling in writing, trying to do quality work in our big-kid jobs and eating ice cream (Renee's OB told her to eat more milkshakes haha)

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